Cake and sponge mixes

Puratos cake and sponge cake mixes enable you to make an endless variety of cake products quickly, easily and cost-effectively.

We regularly review and revise our mixes to keep pace with consumer trends. Our collaboration with international patissiers also enables us to develop our products in line with their requirements.

What’s more, thanks to our global presence and R&D capabilities, we’ve been able to diversify and enrich our assortment with local specialties from different regions.

What are the advantages of using cake mixes?

There are many reasons why bakers and patissiers choose to use cake and sponge cake mixes. The practical benefits include:

  • Convenience: less preparation time and less stock management
  • Peace of mind: consistent quality, bake after bake 
  • Efficiency: less recipe errors when scaling
  • Storage: simple to stock and store
  • Speed: shorter production times

Why use Puratos’ cake and sponge cake mixes?

Our cake and sponge cake mixes enable you to differentiate your products through:

  • Superior cake quality: texture and taste that satisfies consumer preference and expectation
  • Innovation: developments in taste and new product ideas in line with consumer trends

Cake and sponge mixes


Satin Chocolate Cake Mix

Cake and sponge mixes, Patisserie

Patisserie mix to produce American style chocolate flavoured crème cakes and slice lines.

Tegral Brownie Mix

Cake and sponge mixes

Tegral Brownie is a complete mix to make the best quality chewy chocolate brownies.

Tegral Satin Dark Moist Cake Mix

Cake and sponge mixes, Patisserie

Tegral Satin Dark Moist is a complete cake mix to make premium moist chocolate cakes

Tegral Plain Sponge Cake Mix

Cake and sponge mixes, Patisserie

Tegral Plain Sponge Cake Mix is a complete mix for the perfect sponge cakes and swiss rolls.

Tegral Crumble Neutral

Cake and sponge mixes, Patisserie

Tegral Crumble is an easy-to-use preparation for a crumble topping on patisserie creations.

Tegral Satin Yellow Moist Cake Mix

Cake and sponge mixes, Patisserie

Tegral Satin Yellow Moist is a complete cake mix to make premium moist cakes with a vanilla flavour

Satin Crème Cake Mix Toffee

Cake and sponge mixes

Quality mix for the production of all styles of toffee flavoured cakes.

Satin Crème Cake Mix Lemon

Cake and sponge mixes

Quality mix for the production of all styles of lemon flavoured cakes.

Satin Crème Cake Mix Plain

Cake and sponge mixes

Quality mix for the production of all styles of vanilla flavoured cakes.

Tegral Chocolate Sponge

Cake and sponge mixes

Complete mix for the perfect chocolate sponge and Swiss Roll

Tegral Satin Crème Cake - Red Velvet Cake Mix

Cake and sponge mixes, Patisserie

Tegral Satin Crème Cake - Red Velvet is a complete mix to make the famous Red Velvet Cake.

Satin Crème Cake Mix Carrot

Cake and sponge mixes

Quality mix for the production of all styles of carrot flavoured cakes.

Satin Crème Cake Concentrate Chocolate

Cake and sponge mixes

Quality concentrate for the production of all styles of chocolate flavoured cakes.

Satin Crème Cake Mix Coffee

Cake and sponge mixes

Quality mix for the production of all styles of coffee flavoured cakes.

Vegan Scone Mix

Cake and sponge mixes

A quality scone mix giving superb volume; flavour and texture from a complete mix.

Industrial Patisserie Competence Center

The IPCC offers industrial patissiers a fully-equipped test centre dedicated to technological innovation and process optimisation.


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Innovation Center

Providing our customers with access to the very latest industry equipment, expertise and training, as well as in-depth research into international trends.

Innovation Center

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