Soft'r Alpaga

Soft'R Alpaga is an improver for the production of soft breads and buns on automatic lines.

With 100+ years of experience in bread improvement, Puratos was the first company to launch a complete bread improver in 1953: T500. In 1973, its successor, S500 revolutionized the market and became a world leader, and highly appreciated by bakers everywhere. Further innovation followed in 1995 with the launch of Soft’r: an improver for soft breads that impacted the texture and freshness of popular applications like buns, loaves and sweet breads. ​

Customer advantages

  • Outstanding quality bakery products
  • Developed to improve the texture of soft buns and breads
  • A multi-purpose improver based on unique emulsifier and enzyme systems directly produced by Puratos

Consumer advantages

  • Offers crumb structure according to your own preferences
  • Tailors freshness to the length of your supply chain

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Soft'R Alpaga is an improver for the production of soft breads and buns on automatic lines.

With 100+ years of experience in bread improvement, Puratos was the first company to launch a complete bread improver in 1953: T500. In 1973, its successor, S500 revolutionized the market and became a world leader, and highly appreciated by bakers everywhere. Further innovation followed in 1995 with the launch of Soft’r: an improver for soft breads that impacted the texture and freshness of popular applications like buns, loaves and sweet breads. ​

Customer advantages

  • Outstanding quality bakery products
  • Developed to improve the texture of soft buns and breads
  • A multi-purpose improver based on unique emulsifier and enzyme systems directly produced by Puratos

Consumer advantages

  • Offers crumb structure according to your own preferences
  • Tailors freshness to the length of your supply chain

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