Crest Novex

White shortening for baked goods.

  • Free from hydrogenated fats
  • RSPO Certified

Vegetable oils (rapeseed), modified starch, emulsifier (SOY lecithin (E322)), thickener (carnauba wax (E903)), antioxidant (tocopherol-rich extract (E306))

Nutritional value

Total Fat: 73.9 g

Of WHICH Saturated Fat: 5.2 g

Of WHICH Polyunsaturated Fat: 26.1 g

Of WHICH Monounsaturated Fat: 42.6 g

Added salt: 0 mg

Total carbohydrates: 20.6 g

Of WHICH Starch: 20.5 g

Of WHICH Dietary Fiber: 0 g

Of WHICH Total sugars: <0.6 g

Protein: 0 g

White shortening for baked goods.

  • Free from hydrogenated fats
  • RSPO Certified

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